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Home: Welcome

My aim is to provide a space where you can feel safe, without fear of judgement or rejection. The therapy space is your space, who ever you are, whatever your religion, gender, age, ability, sexuality ... you are accepted for who you are and what you bring. ​As your therapist, I will move alongside you on your healing journey. 

Home: Famous Quote

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

Carl Rogers

Home: About Therapy


Why and Who comes to Therapy?


Therapy is accessed by people of all ages for a variety of reasons, quite often it is because they have difficulty managing long-term emotional problems or have experienced some form of crisis or trauma and are searching for support.

However, therapy can be accessed by anyone at anytime in their life. Therapy can be a way to support you to maintain a better quality of life, and maintain a good healthy balance. *


Some reasons why people come to therapy:


  • Feelings of anxiety/stress/overwhelmed

  • lack of confidence

  • Low self esteem or self worth

  • Low mood/depressed

  • Struggling with relationships partner/family/work

  • Struggling with emotional expression

  • Negative body image

  • Struggling with sexual/intimate relationships

  • Needing to explore issues relating to sexuality/gender

  • Bereavement/loss

  • Battling addiction

Dandelion Parachute Seed
Two Dried Leaves
Home: Services

1:1 Movement Therapy

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Sandplay and Creative Therapy

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Clinical Supervision

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Dursley, England

Covering Bristol, South Gloucestershire

and Gloucestershire 

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Home: Contact

During this very difficult time, I realise that accessing support is extremely important. Therefore I am offering Face to Face, online- zoom  and outdoor sessions where appropriate. These will be revised and subject to Government guidelines. 

©2019 by Vikki Smith. Proudly created with

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